DV 2024: First CEAC Data Published!



There are set times – and seasons – for different activities in the Diversity Visa Program. From early October to early November, for example, the Diversity Visa Lottery is administered. In May, the results of the Lottery are published; in July or August, it’s the release of statistics relating to the Lottery .

The 1st of January – for its part – is set aside for the publication – by the State Department – of the first CEAC data: the data that expose relevant details concerning interviews being conducted in the current DV Program.

For the DV 2024 Program, that data has now been published, and as is accustomed, it shows statistics for the first quarter (October, November and December 2023) of Fiscal Year 2024.

First CEAC Data

A summarized version of the DV 2024 first CEAC data is found in the table below. For an expert presentation of the data, including comprehensive charts, by-post interactive tools, and much more, access and browse the DV Lottery Charts website by Xarthisius.

Summary Table


As can be seen, the DV 2024 First CEAC data indicate that for the first three months of the DV 2024 Program:

– The Total Number of Applicants Issued Visas is 6,110

– The Total Number of Applicants Refused Visas is 540

Moreover, there are currently 14,721 applicants awaiting interviews.

The Highest Case Numbers

In addition to the statistics presented above, the first CEAC data also reveal the highest DV2024 case number in each region, as follows:

AFRICA: 122,907

ASIA: 42,876

EUROPE: 66,932


OCEANIA: 4,999



The release of the first CEAC data provides us with the opportunity to better appreciate progress made so far in the DV 2024 Program.

The release also marks the beginning of the countdown to final visa issuance. DV 2024 CEAC data will continue to be published for the rest of this year’s Program; and will allow us to follow how available visas decrease in number as the fiscal year progresses.

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