DV 2022 Case Processing Thus Far


DV 2022 CEAC Data

We are in early January 2022. And as is accustomed, the first figures from the processing of DV 2022 cases are now accessible by means of the State Department’s Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. It is usually at this time of the DV Program year that the earliest CEAC data from processing of cases is available. And the numbers for this year so far do not seem to be encouraging.

DV 2022 case processing has had a slow start. The below table presents a summary, not only of the number of visas issued, but also of those related to cases in other stages of their application process in the five (out of six) mostly considered regions. Take a look!

DV-2022 Status of Cases

Cases In Transit to Embassies Cases at Embassies, Ready for Interview
Cases Already Interviewed (152)
Cases put on AP Visas Refused Visas Issued
AFRICA 124 334 6 1 72
ASIA 50 227 2 1 14
EUROPE 29 845 12 7 110
OCEANIA 3 61 0 3 6
SOUTH AMERICA 6 62 0 0 6
TOTAL 213 1530 20 12 208

Very Low Numbers So Far

As shown in the table above, there have been 152 interviews conducted so far, with a total of 208 visas issued across all regions. 10 visas were issued in October, 16 in November and 182 in December. Which represents about 0.38% of the 55,000 Diversity Visas on offer for Fiscal Year 2022.

Moreover, there are only 1,530 cases set to be interviewed at all U. S. consular posts in the coming weeks. These figures demonstrate the slow pace at which interviews are (being) conducted in the DV-2022 Program.

The Solution?

At such a pace, only a dramatic increase in the number of cases scheduled beginning February will serve in getting us anywhere close to seeing the 55,000 available visas being issued.

But with the current state of the Coronavirus pandemic on the global scene, is such a goal achievable? This will require much effort and sacrifice on the part of the main actors in the Diversity Visa scheduling and interviewing processes.

Recipe for Disaster

If no substantial amount of effort is put into the scheduling and consequently conduct of interviews, only few interviews will end up being conducted, with very few visas being issued – eventually.

It is such a situation (tens of thousands of unissued visas) that has provided the basis for court cases in the past two years. And if same is repeated during this fiscal year, we will well be heading for more court cases for a third consecutive year, which is quite damaging to the image of the DV Program.

Concern and Conclusion

If such a situation eventually plays out, one may begin to ask, “Of what essence is the Diversity Visa program in the midst of COVID?” Owing to the fact that most of the available visas are eventually not served, thereby creating a ‘new normal’ of unending court cases.

As it’s too early to see – or say – how things will play out, our hope is for the best for DV 2022 applicants, but also for the Diversity Visa Program in general.

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