A MUST-READ FOR DV 2024 (and now DV 2025) APPLICANTS:

I wish to clarify that this article was written in 2022, and that the ‘norms’ presented in it were derived at after interpolation of case number data from DV programs before DV 2024. As such, the contents of the article do not apply in the case of the DV 2024 Program, and may not in subsequent DV Programs.

For the DV 2024 Program, I have provided more explanation in this article.

AND FOR DV 2025: It is still too early to draw conclusions on the prospects of case numbers as there isn’t sufficient data to allow that for the time being.

When the prospects of DV 2025 case numbers become clearer, I shall publish an article addressing the issue – as I did for DV 2024. Look out for that article!

(This article however provides invaluable insight into the concept of high and low case numbers in the Diversity Visa program).

Thank you. 



The Basis for Scheduling

A case number is the basis for when a Diversity Visa case is to be scheduled for interview. As such, its position in a region is a major preoccupation for most applicants.

I’m therefore writing this article to provide applicants – especially those who are unaware – with a kind of estimate of what could be considered low, medium or high case number in their region, as well as when different case numbers can expect to be interviewed during the Program year.

[CLICK HERE to jump to Case Number Tables] or continue reading the article below.

Interviews in each region begin with the lowest case numbers and progress to high ones as the fiscal year goes on. This gives cases with low case number a higher chance of being interviewed than those with high ones. 

Concerning the tables below, let me include the following notes:


1. The below are estimates intended to serve as ‘signposts’ and should be considered as such.

2. A position and a ‘likely’ time of interview have been assigned to each case number range established. This concept is not official. It is however based on the fact that low case numbers have less risk than higher ones

3. The details shown for each case number range (which are subject to adjustment) are approximate values based on interpolations from recent years. As such, some case numbers may fall in a neighboring range in reality. 

That being indicated, the following tables show – by region – low, average and high case numbers, and when cases in each range can look forward to be interviewed.

IMPORTANT: Under normal circumstances, interview notifications are sent out to applicants during the second month (5 – 10 weeks) before their interview

It must be also be noted that the highest case numbers in each region may never be scheduled for interview as the Program year may come to an end or visas run out before scheduling reaches them.


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 10000 Low Very High October – January
10000 – Below 20000 Relatively Low High January – March
20000 – Below 30000 Average Good March – June

30000 – Below 40000

Relatively High


June – August or when
AF goes current;

40000 & Above High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
AF goes current; Note: may not get interviewed



Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 4000 Low Very High October – December
4000 – Below 8000 Relatively Low High January – March
8000 – Below 12000 Average Good March – May

12000 – Below 15000

Relatively High


May – July or when
Egypt goes current;

15000 & Above High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
Egypt goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 5 Low Very High October – January
5 & 6 Relatively Low Very High January – March
7 & 8 Average High March – June

9 & 10

Relatively High


June – August or when
NA goes current;

Above 10 High Fair Aug. – Sept. or when
NA goes current; Note: may not get interviewed



Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 500 Low Very High October – January
500 – Below 750 Relatively Low High January – March
750 – Below 1000 Average Good April – May

1000 – Below 1500

Relatively High


June – July or when
SA goes current;

1500 & Above High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
SA goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 3500 Low Very High October – January
3500 – Below 5000 Relatively Low High January – March
5000 – Below 7500 Average Good March – June

7500 – 10000

Relatively High


June – August or when
AS goes current;

Above 10000 High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
AS goes current; Note: may not get interviewed




Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 1000 Low Very High October – November
1000 – Below 2500 Relatively Low High November – December
2500 – Below 5000 Average Good December – March

5000 – Below 6500

Relatively High


March – June or when
Iran goes current;

6500 & Above High Low June – Sept. or when
Iran goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 1000 Low Very High October – November
1000 – Below 2000 Relatively Low High November – December
2000 – Below 4000 Average Good December – March

4000 – Below 6000

Relatively High


March – June or when
Nepal goes current;

Above 6000 High Low June – Sept. or when
Nepal goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 7500 Low Very High October – January
7500 – Below 10000 Relatively Low High January – March
10000 – Below 18000 Average Good March – June

18000 – Below 25000

Relatively High


June – August or when
EU goes current;

25000 & Above High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
EU goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


Case Number Classification Chances Likely Interview Time
Below 400 Low Very High October – January
400 – Below 600 Relatively Low High January – March
600 – Below 950 Average Good March – June

950 – Below 1400

Relatively High


June – August or when
OC goes current;

1400 & Above High Low Aug. – Sept. or when
OC goes current; Note: may not get interviewed


 As the above is intended to only serve as ‘signposts’, be sure to regularly follow the State Department’s Visa Bulletin to know the actual monthly cut-offs that will apply in your region

SUGGESTED: For indepth explanation regarding case numbers, read this article.



80 thoughts on “Low and High Case Numbers

  1. So as per your chart i have very low chance of getting called for interview coz i am from Oceania with case no 1650

  2. Hello

    My case number is EU342**, which i not too high not to low?
    However I live in Taiwan and set Taipei embassy as an interview embassy, does it increase the chance my case could be processed earlier or it doesn’t have anything to do with the embassy location?

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